1230 ERROR Z103: Unable to write submission form file 'form.htm'
1231 ERROR Z101: Out of Memory
1232 ERROR C101: Failed to initialize Winsock
1354 Ranking
1355 Home
1356 User Manual
1357 FAQ
1358 SubmitWolf - Submission Report
1360 SubmitWolf Submission Report
1362 <i>Automated Submission to the following engines is available in SubmitWolf. To Upgrade, click <a href="http://www.trellian.com/swolf/upgrade.htm">here</a>.<br><br>
1363 Custom Sites
1406 Engine Category
1407 Value
1408 Maps to
1409 Demo
1410 Engines
1411 Link Lists
1412 Multi Submit
1413 Manual
1414 Trash
1439 "Unable to open the specified Browser. Please check the SubmitWolf Configuration."
1442 Browser Error
1445 Upgrade Complete. You must now exit and re-start SubmitWolf, in order for the changes to come into effect.
1446 Message
1448 Missing Components
1450 Window resizing failed!
1453 Please Create or Open a project first.
1456 No Active Project
1459 Project history and the current submission status will be lost. Do you wish to proceed?
1461 New Folder
1464 Ranking history and the current rank status will be lost. Do you wish to proceed?
1467 Engine Manager
1471 You are about to submit your URL using a questionable copy of SubmitWolf . Please register within 24 Hours. Do you wish to proceed?
1472 Warning
1474 You are using a corrupt or pirate copy of SubmitWolf. If you continue using this program, your source IP may be logged by a remote server.
1476 The project file has been created by an older version of SubmitWolf. Before submitting, please verify that all categories and other details are correct.
1478 Invalid Registration Name or Serial Number
1484 Invalid Registration
1488 There are missing components in this installation of SubmitWolf. For the Full version functionality an upgrade must be installed.\n\nWould you like to install the upgrade now?
1492 Script Upgrade
1497 No Engines have been added or upgraded.
1502 ERROR S108: Unable to Load Engine Definition File
1508 Definition File contains Category MAP data, but no map files has been specified. A category map will not be created.
1513 A Project Directory with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?
1518 You have not filled in one or more mandatory fields. All required fields are highlighted in gray.
1522 Missing Fields
1525 You have not selected a category for this URL. Please enter at least one category in the category selector screen.
1529 Missing Category
1531 ERROR W114: Unable to open file 'swolf.ini'
1533 ERROR W123: Corrupted File 'code.dat'
1535 ERROR W116: Unable to Load Engines File 'engines.dat'
1537 ERROR W121: Corrupted Script File
1539 ERROR W122: Corrupted Script File
1540 ERROR W102: Unable to write project file
1542 ERROR W103: Unable to Write Engines Data File 'custom.dat'
1544 Field
1546 ERROR W106: Unable to Load Domains List 'domain.dat'
1547 ERROR W112: Unable to Load Language List 'language.dat'
1549 ERROR W107: Out of memory Error
1551 ERROR W105: Out of memory error
1552 ERROR S111: Unable to write report file
1553 ERROR S112: Out of Memory
1554 ERROR S101: %s is not a valid SubmitWolf Project File
1555 ERROR S103: Unable to Write Engine Definition File
1556 ERROR S104: Unable to open category MAP File '%s'
1557 ERROR S105: Unable to open project file.
1558 ERROR S106: Unable to open import file.
1559 ERROR S107: Unable to create a new Project Directory. A project with the specified name may already exist.
1560 ERROR S109: Unable to write temporary file tmp.dat
1561 ERROR S110: Winsock Error (%i)
1562 ERROR K102: Unable to read export file.
1563 ERROR K103: File error writing META tags
1564 ERROR K101: Unable to read import file.
1566 Unable to delete the project directory. You may need to delete it manually.
1567 ERROR Z102: Unable to Read Form Submission. Please retry!
1568 ERROR B101: Unable to write Ranking Report file"
1571 ERROR B104: Unable to open Report file 'ranking.htm'
1572 ERROR M101: Unable to create MAP file!
1574 ERROR M103: Unable to open data file 'types.dat'
1576 U101: Unable to write upgrade file
1578 ERROR U102: Unable to open Upgrade File
1580 ERROR U103: Unable to open Upgrade File
1582 ERROR R105: Unable to open file 'report.htm'
1584 ERROR R106: Unable to open report file.
1586 ERROR R101: Unable to open file 'sheet.htm'
1587 ERROR R102: Unable to open file 'summary.htm'
1589 ERROR R103: Unable to open file 'sheet.htm'
1591 ERROR R104: Unable to create Customer Summary File!
1592 ERROR M102: Unable to open the specified category Map file '%s'
1594 \n\nWould you like to create a new Map File?
1595 URL has ranked on %i Sites.\n\nWould you like to view the report now?
1596 URL details submitted to %i Sites.\n\nWould you like to view the report now?
1597 Rank in Top %i
1598 The engine profile for %s will be exported to '%s'
1599 Unable to create a new Project Directory '%s'.
1600 URL submitted to %s (OK)
1601 Loading Engine Pack %s
1602 ERROR W101: Unable to load %s. The script has expired. Please use the UPGRADE option from the FILE menu to update to the current version.
1603 Another engine '%s' uses the same submission CGI - '%s' may be an identical site with a different URL.
1607 Please report dead links, submission problems and engines not on our list to <a href="mailto:support@trellian.com">support@trellian.com</a><br><br>\n
1609 SubmitWolf - Submission Details Sheet
1611 Successful Submissions
1613 Submitted by <b>%s</b> version %s <a href=http://www.trellian.com/swolf>http://www.trellian.com/swolf
1729 The selected item(s) will be permanently deleted. Do you wish to proceed?
1730 English URL:
1732 Japanese URL:
1734 You have not filled in one or more mandatory English language fields . All international engines will be skipped. Do you wish to proceed, and submit to Japanese engines only?.
1735 You have not filled in one or more mandatory regional language fields. All regional engines will be skipped. Do you wish to proceed, and submit the English details to International engines only?
1736 ERROR W113: Unable to Load Province List 'province.dat'
1737 Category:
1738 Help
1740 SubmitWolf Category
1741 Copy
1743 Province
1744 Engine
1747 Rank
1749 Links
1750 Date
1751 Keywords
1753 Commercial Sites ONLY\n
1754 MLM content Sites ONLY\n
1756 Adult Sites ONLY\n
1758 No Commercial Sites\n
1761 No MLM content Sites\n
1762 No Adult content Sites\n
1763 No Multiple Postings\n
1764 Keywords in CSV format\n
1766 NONE\n
1768 Project
1770 Last Submitted
1771 Path
1772 Save Project
1773 Submission Report
1774 Keyword Manager
1775 Meta Tags Editor
1776 Engine Wizard
1777 Batch Submission
1778 Ranking Report
1779 New Engine
1780 Details
1781 Source
1782 Keywords
1783 #
1784 Settings
1785 Sound
1786 Options
1787 Firewall
1788 Event
1789 Sound
1790 ProgramStart
1791 ProgramExit
1792 SubmitComplete
1793 Engine Editor
1794 Can not delete. The folder is not empty.
1795 ERROR E101: Unable to open file 'fields.dat'
1796 Request
1797 #
1798 Engine
1799 Updated
1800 Domains
1801 Category Map
1802 Request
1803 Submit URL
1804 Home Page
1805 Created
1806 ID
1807 Folder
1808 Emails
1809 Rules
1810 Registration
1811 Tips
1812 Confirmation
1813 Proxy Server
1814 You have %i days left in your 31 day trial period.
1815 Ranking Tips
1816 Cancelled by User
1818 Project File
1819 Priority Submission
1950 General
1951 Mature
1952 Restricted
1953 1 Day
1954 7 Days
1955 31 Days
1956 180 Days
1957 365 Days
1958 Global
1959 Local
1960 Pending
1961 Submitted
1962 Engine Definitions (*.def)$*.def$ All Files (*.*)$*.*$$
1963 Submission Project (*.sub)$*.sub$$
1964 Engine Definitions (*.def)$*.def$ All Files (*.*)$*.*$$
1965 Submission Project (*.sub)$*.sub$$
1966 Project Data File (*.*)$*.*$$
1968 HTML Files (*.htm,*.html)$*.htm;*.html$ Text Files (*.txt)$*.txt$ All Files (*.*)$*.*$$
1970 HTML Files (*.htm,*.html)$*.htm;*.html$ Text Files (*.txt)$*.txt$ All Files (*.*)$*.*$$
2030 Engine does not accept Sites with Adult content
2031 Script Error
2032 This Engine is available in the Registered version only
2033 Engine accepts commercial/business sites only
2034 Engine does not accept Company/Business Sites
2035 Engine accepts adult sites only
2036 Upgrade Server
2037 Message from Upgrade Server
2038 Invalid Site Content for Engine
2039 Invalid category for this site
2040 ERROR W115: Unable to open file 'error.dat'
2041 The serial number you have entered is not valid. Please check the number and try again.
2043 ZIP
2044 Rule Violation (No Multiple Submissions)
2045 Engine does not accept Multiple submissions of the same URL
2046 TOP Ranked URL list
2047 Rules
2048 Category Map
2049 Requesting Authorization. Please Wait.....
2050 All installed components are up-to-date
2051 Authorization Failure
2052 Connecting to Host. Please Wait.........
2053 Install Error
2054 Unable to execute the upgrade file, please try again.
2055 Status
2056 Category MAP editor
2058 The serial number you have entered is for an older version of SubmitWolf. You will need to obtain a version 5.0 upgrade.
2059 #
2060 Column 2
2062 <font color=RED>* UNREGISTERED *</font>
2063 Column 3
2065 Column 4
2066 Column 5
2071 Engine
2073 Engine
2074 Rank
2075 Submits
2076 Last Submitted
2078 Paste
2080 Cost
2081 Online Version Check
2083 Submitted
2084 Delete
2086 Domain
2087 New Project
2090 5. Reports
2091 Size
2092 Status
2094 #
2096 Domains
2097 Emails
2099 Submit URL
2101 Open Project
2103 Home Page
2105 Request
2107 Created
2109 Modified
2111 ID
2113 Transfer aborted
2114 Maps to
2115 Value
2117 Engine
2118 Status
2119 Date
2120 Times
2121 Domain
2122 Stop
2123 Start
2124 #
2125 Batch Submit
2126 Last Submitted
2127 Project File
2128 4
2129 URL
2130 Delete the entire folder and all projects?
2131 Rank
2132 Opening Project File %s
2133 Random
2134 Error Renaming Project File
2135 Error Opening Project. The project folder may have been moved or no longer exists.
2136 Ready
2137 Validated:
2138 Submitted:
2139 The specified file does not exist. Would you like to create it?
2140 Ranked:
2141 All
2142 You must specify a valid URL. Please go back to the Project Details section, and fill in the missing fields.
2143 You must specify a valid contact email. Please go back to the Contact Details section and fill in your email address.
2144 Incomplete, or Invalid Credit Card details. Please check that all the fields are filled in correctly.
2145 No engines have been selected. You need to select at least one engine from the Priority Submission engines list.
2146 An error has occured submitting your URL details. Please check your internet connection and try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer support.
2147 Invalid Credit Cad Number
2148 The credit card number you have entered is not valid. Please double check the number and try again.
2149 Default
2150 SubmitWolf was unable to decode the engine script file '%s'. This can be due to invalid or incorrect registration details.\n\nPlease try upgrading your program using the File/Upgrade menu option. If the problem persists, please contact customer support.
2151 The engine editor is not available in the DEMO version.